NFT Contract Deployment and Token Transfer

KIP-17 is a contract standard for NFT (Non-Fungible Token) created by Klaytn. KIP-17 API provided by KAS lets you create and manage KIP-17 tokens with ease. Main features of KIP-17 API include deploying KIP-17 contracts, as well as issuing, burning and transferring of tokens.

In this tutorial we will walk you through how to not only deploy KIP-17 contracts but also generate and send KIP-17 tokens. For more details on KIP-17 API, please refer to KAS KIP-17 API Reference.

Deploying KIP-17 Contracts

KIP-17 API deploys and controls KIP-17 compliant NFT contracts .

For more information on KIP-17 contract functions, please refer to KIP-17.

You can deploy a KIP-17 contract by running the curl command.

curl --location --request POST "" \
  --header "x-chain-id: {chain-id}" \
  -u {access-key-id}:{secret-access-key} \
  --data-raw '{
        "alias": "my-first-kip17",
        "name": "My First KIP-17",
        "symbol": "MFK"

API Route and Request

Let's break down curl command for a closer look. You can use Deploy New KIP-17 Contract with POST /v1/contract. KIP-17 API is provided at, so write down for the URL of the curl request, and POST (—-request POST) for request type.

The contract deployment API accepts the POST request and requires the following JSON data:

    "alias": "my-first-kip17",
    "name": "My First KIP-17",
    "symbol": "MFK"

Here are some explanations for each field:

  • Alias (alias): A nickname for the contract. You can use it in place of the contract address in later APIs. The alias must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Note that the first letter of the alias must begin with a lowercase letter.

  • Name (name): Name of the contract. It is written as name in accordance with the KIP-17 standard. The name must only include alphabets, numbers and hyphens.

  • Symbol(symbol): Symbol of the contract. It is written as symbol according to the KIP-17 standard. It normally consists of 3-4 uppercase alphabets, but there is no restriction.

Required Header

All KIP-17 APIs require an x-chain-id header. Valid values are 1001 on Baobab, and 8217 on Cypress.


All APIs provided by KAS must send authentication data, the access-key-id and the secret-access-key. For more details on the creation and obtainment of authentication data, please refer to Security.

API Response

Running the token deployment curl command will return the following results:

    "transactionHash": "0x...",
    "status": "Submitted"

The transactionHash is available while executing RPC functions such as klay_getTransactionReceipt.

Checking Results

You can search the deployed contracts by implementing GET /v1/contract in the Get List of KIP-17 Contracts, KIP-17 API. Run the following command curl to search the contract list.

curl --location --request GET '' \
  --header "x-chain-id: {chain-id}" \
  -u {access-key-id}:{secret-access-key}

If the contract has been deployed correctly, you may receive a response as follows:

    "items": [
            "address": "0x...",
            "alias": "my-first-kip17",
            "name": "My First KIP-17",
            "symbol": "MFK"
    "cursor": ""

Generating KIP-17 Tokens

Now that you have successfully deployed the contract, you can actually start creating tokens with the API, POST /v1/contract/{alias-or-address}/token. The value of {alias-or-address} is available with two options: the alias previously used for deploying tokens with the contract's alias or address, or the address checked on the Get List of KIP-17 Contracts API after deploying the tokens.

Mint Token Request

Following is the curl command for calling Mint a New KIP-17 Token using the alias my-first-kip17 from the example above.

curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header "x-chain-id: {chain-id}" \
  -u {access-key-id}:{secret-access-key} \
    --data-raw '{
      "to": "0x...",
      "id": "0x1",
      "uri": ""

Required header and authentication data are the same as those for contract deployment. Data such as location and request can be entered with reference to the mint token API (POST /v1/contract/{alias-or-address}/token).

The mint token API requires the following JSON data:

    "to": "0x...",
    "id": "0x1",
    "uri": ""
  • Recipient (to): Klaytn account address of the token’s recipient. The token generation API will create a new token at the designated address.

  • Token ID (id): Unique ID of the token. It is a hexadecimal number. An ID of an already existing token cannot be reused, unless it is burnt.

  • Token URI (uri): Location of the JSON file containing the token’s data expressed as URI. The token’s data and its attributes are recorded and deployed in advance on a location which can be represented as URI, and the URI is included when the token is generated. Since the validity of the URI link is not checked for you, make sure to double-check before entering it.

A Klaytn account address is given in the hexadecimal format. 20 bytes long, it consists of 42 hexadecimal characters including the prefix "0x".

What is a URI? Wikipedia Link (Korean, English)

Token Issuance Response and Checking Status

Running the token generation curl command will return the following response:

    "transactionHash": "0x...",
    "status": "Submitted"

You will notice that the response is in the same form as that of contract deployment.

To verify that tokens have been generated correctly, you can use the Get Generated Token List API GET /v1/contract/{alias-or-address}/token and check if the tokens have been added to the contract. You can retrieve the my-first-kip17 contract token list by using the following curl command.

curl --location --request GET '' \
  --header "x-chain-id: {chain-id}" \
  -u {access-key-id}:{secret-access-key}

If the tokens have been successfully generated, you will receive a response as the following:

    "items": [{
            "createdAt": <UNIX timestamp>,
            "owner": "0x...",
            "previousOwner": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "tokenId": "0x1",
            "tokenUri": "",
            "transactionHash": "0x...",
            "updatedAt": <UNIX timestamp>
    "cursor": ""

Take a close look at the status of the response, you will notice the word "Submitted" instead of "Success" or "Completed". Every blockchain including Klaytn operates asynchronously, which means that the response of a request doesn’t return immediately. Therefore, there is no way of knowing right away if the request has succeeded or not. Especially with token generation, where a request can fail depending on the request values (e.g. using an existing token ID), make sure to confirm the status by implementing Get Token List.

KIP-17 Token Transfer

KIP-17 Token transfer API is POST /v1/contract/{alias-or-address}/token/{id}. {alias-or-address}, {id} use data of the contract and the token to be transferred.

This tutorial assumes that the KAS user has an account on KAS Wallet Account Pool. Let's say the address is, for convenience sake, 0xOWNER.

For creation and management of accounts, click here.

In order to send a token with KIP-17 API, the sender account’s cryptographic key must be registered in the KAS Wallet Account Pool. When the Key is not included in the Default Account Pool, enter the pool’s KRN on the x-krn header manually.

In the tutorial we used 0xOWNER just for convenience sake. You have to enter your Klaytn account address correctly.

The following curl command sends 0x321 tokens to 0xRECIPIENT via my-first-kip17 contract owned by 0xOWNER.

curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header "x-chain-id: {chain-id}" \
  -u {access-key-id}:{secret-access-key} \
    --data-raw '{
      "sender": "0xOWNER",
      "owner": "0xOWNER",
      "to": "0xRECIPIENT"

Token Transfer JSON

The JSON data required for transferring token are as follows:

  • Sender (sender): The address of the person using token transfer API.

  • Owner (owner): The address of the person that owns the token to be transferred. When the sender is different from the owner, the address must be verified for transfer in advance. For more detailed APIs on token transfer verification, please refer to token transfer verification.

  • Recipient (to): The address of the person receiving the token. Keep in mind that owing to the nature of blockchain technologies, you cannot revert once the ownership has been changed.

When the information of the sender or the owner is incorrect, the transfer request will fail. When the sender’s address has not been verified for transfer, it must be identical with the owner’s, and the owner’s address must be that of the actual owner of the token being transferred.

Even when the information of the sender or the owner is incorrect, the transfer request API will still return a response. The KIP-17 API only validates the request method and syntax, and not the semantics, such as whether the sender has been verified, or the owner actually owns the coin.

To check if the transfer request has been applied correctly on the blockchain, use KIP-17 API's Get Token List or Get Token Information, or check the results after running Node API klay_getTransactionReceipt.

Token Transfer Results

You will receive the response as shown below when you run token transfer API.

    "transactionHash": "0x...",
    "status": "Submitted"

To verify that token has been successfully transferred, implement GET /v1/contract/{alias-or-address}/token from Get List of Tokens API to check whether the token's transfer data is updated.

curl --location --request GET ''
    --header "x-chain-id: {chain-id}" \
  -u {access-key-id}:{secret-access-key}

When the token has been correctly sent, you will see the changed data of the transferred token. See values: owner and previousOwner.

    "items": [
            "createdAt": <UNIX timestamp>,
            "owner": "0xRECIPIENT",
            "previousOwner": "0xOWNER",
            "tokenId": "0x321",
            "tokenUri": "",
            "transactionHash": "0x...",
            "updatedAt": <UNIX timestamp>
    "cursor": ""

Last updated